Forex Trading has been a rather foreign concept to the average Papua New Guinean in the past 2-3 decades where only major global banks, hedge funds and big time investors traded the financial market. However, with the rapid development in technology, especially the Internet and electronic financial system, the average Papua New Guinean now has an equal opportunity to trade in the Forex market
Although the Forex Market is available to the average person; Trading in the forex market requires a very specific and specialized technical training to skillfully approach the market and make money or invest in the long run.
As training is not run in any accredited training institutions in PNG, and is a rather new industry in the context of PNG; the PNG Forex Training Academy is now going to run courses, "to help you become a Forex Trader & Investor".
The main goal of PNG Forex Training Academy is to introduce and promote this industry through learning so that average citizens can take advantage of this industry. Moreover, this provides an opportunity to an alternate source of income that can be very significant compared to our average paid jobs.
The course framework is structured in a way that will be convenient to anyone – Employed, Unemployed, Self-Employed as well as Students. As long as you have completed secondary education with above average results, you are good to go.
What it means to have the knowledge and skills in Trading in the Forex Market
(Watch the slide show below)
As the popular saying goes; “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”
PNG Forex Academy has two training components
- Face to Face 5 weeks Intensive training for the complete course
- Online Training modules. That is the full course structure broken up into modules
Find out more on the designated pages for both components
What are we about?
PNG Forex Academy is 100% PNG established and owned. We place significant emphasis on Self-Empowerment through knowledge gain. As you may already have heard; "knowledge is power".
Thus, we do not encourage lending of money to Forex Brokers, Social Trading or Copy Trading.
We strongly believe that you as an individual should risk your own money at your own terms. With proper knowledge and skill, you can trade the financial markets confidently.
That is why we have been established to provide this knowledge and skills for your convenience. "With knowledge, you have the power".