The products and services referenced at this site are for educational purpose only, and are not intended to replace individual research or licensed investment advice.
Trading currencies involves substantial risk, and there is always the potential for loss. Your trading results may vary. No representation is being made that these products or services, and any associated advice or training, will guarantee profits, or not result in losses from trading. Neither the products, nor any training services held in conjunction therewith, including, without limitation, in conjunction with our advertising and promotional campaigns, during our in-person seminars or otherwise, should be construed as providing a trade recommendation or the giving of investment advice.
We believe that customer should be aware of the risks associated with over-the-counter, spot Forex. Forex trading is highly speculative in nature which can mean currency prices may become extremely volatile. Forex trading is highly leveraged, since low margin deposits normally are required, an extremely high degree of leverage is obtainable in foreign exchange trading. A relatively small market movement will have a proportionately larger impact on the funds you have deposited. You may sustain a total loss of your funds. Since the possibility of losing your entire cash balance does exist, speculation in the Forex market should only be conducted with risk capital you can afford to lose which will not dramatically impact your lifestyle.